For Us

Scripture Reading - Romans 8:30-31 KJV

30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.
31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?

We thought it would be good today to encourage our fellow believers in the Lord. We don’t need to find any new truths or deep spiritual revelations. We only need to remind every saint and even every sinner that “God is For Us”! Some would ask, “What does that mean?” Well for starters being “For Us” is the exact opposite of God being against us. Many false accusations have been harrowed against God by stating that, “God’s gonna get ya if you do bad.” However this is not truth Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy.-John 10:10 No, our faith friend, our common enemy Satan and his kingdom is against God’s people and mankind in generally. The Lord being “for us” saved us from the awful consequences of sins by redeeming us with the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Since God is always “for us” He also bore our sickness and diseases. We think about living the perfect life in Heaven when we pass on from this world. However, it is God’s Will that we live healthy whole strong lives right now while we are alive on this earth. Yes, since God is “For Us” He planned our life to be blessed and fruitful. Did you know that because God is “For Us” His desire is that we have all of our needs met plus having extra money on store (on hand) for savings and emergencies? Of course knowing God is “for us” starts the process to believe God for all good things. Yes, the grace of God speaks to us about God being “For Us” when it comes to wise counsel for we have God’s Word on all subjects. The Lord is our counselor and friend He is never a harsh God to His faithful brethren and sisters but rather a loving Lord Jesus full of compassion and mercy. Yes, since God is “For Us” we have a Heavenly Father who delights Himself in our pleasure. The Father God loves us personally and deeply continuously. We (ihlcc) wish we could say it is because we are His very own children but that is not the case it is because He openly and honestly loves every one. Why? One might ask, “It is because God is “For Us”. There are many things, beings and situations that are against us in this world but in Christ Jesus we can overcome them all because God is “For Us”. We (ihlcc) have seen family members come against loved ones by physical abuse with verbal threatening. This type of animosity makes no sense when you consider the love of God shed abroad in our hearts. Since the Father God is spiritually “For Us” He personally put His unconditional Love inside of us to conquer the dictates of sin and hatred. Remember no weapon formed against us shall prosper because God is “For Us” in all things. The Living Word of God is always “For Us” so whenever you read it, it will still read the same basically repeating, “That God Loves You without reservation.” God is so “For Us” that He wants to spend eternity with us basking in His glory and goodness. God is totally “For Us” when it comes to performing well on our jobs. Remember God anointed you with the Holy Spirit to bring all things to your remembrance so that you always know what you need to know at work and at home. Tough times do stand against us concerning sickness and disease, lack and poverty, being different and loneliness. Therefore it is good know that God is there “For Us” and our love ones too. We must simply believe with childlike faith through God’s Grace we shall weather all storms. Why?, due to our intellect, good looks and/or skill? No, it is solely because God is “For Us” so nothing can successfully stand against us. Whether you are a believers or not rest assured that God is still one hundred percent (100%) “For You”. Therefore we should go and do likewise by being “For People” too. Also, it is perfectly fine to be “For Yourself” in the same likeness (fashion, scriptures, love and manner) as God being “For You”. Our Heavenly Father took away the life of Jesus to prove that He is committed to being “For Us” concerning abundant life and Jesus Christ voluntarily died on the Cross at Calvary to show the whole world that He also is “For Us” concerning no death. Those two awesome examples are proof enough to us (ihlcc) that God, our Father and Jesus Christ our Savoir and Lord are both “For Us” forever. Likewise, God is always “For You” and “For all people” forever in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen!